


Photo by Claudia Kent.

Growing up a punk, Ziúr’s sound is one of extremities. She points to the proto-riot grrrl group L7 as a mainstay in her musical life – a sound that balances darkness and light, and helped her how to feel part of a “fuck you” movement without being a “dogmatic punk, a squatter in Dr Martens”.

Moving to Berlin 10 years ago, she has been active in the queer scene, most recently with her BOO HOO parties which she runs with Joey Hamson with the aim to create a friendly space and making conscious efforts to book as many female-identified artists and visible minority artists as possible. 

Ziur’s debut EP, Taiga, was released in July 2016 through the Infinite Machine label, and splices sample-based, industrial beats with almost anti-harmonic intent. Full of contrasts, we hear glass crashing against sheet metal, wood vibrating and glottal stops hanging thickly; a series of wailing transmissions thrust into the ether. The EP’s first single, “Nails” is intended as a battle cry - “…meant more as an empowering statement, to keep being weird and visible. Not to stay nailed to the ground but to stab back. Speak up.” (interview with The Fader) Prior to the EPs release, she supported electroclash legend Peaches on her recent tour, and contributed a wicked edit to her Rub remix LP in May.

Upcoming in September 2016 is a second EP, Deform, via Objects Ltd.

Berlin Current x N.A.A.F.I. @ Unsound

Unsound Festival, Krakow PL, Wed 19.10.2016, 21:00

Ziúr, Mobilegirl, Lao, Fauston Bahia, Mexican Jihad