Festival Editions


HAU2, Hallesches Ufer 32, 10963 Berlin Map
Tickets: 15 / 12 € reduced


19:00 21:00

19:00 Pan Daijing
20:20 Gazelle Twin "Kingdom Come"

Known for her restless, uneasy industrial pop, Gazelle Twin will present her latest work, "Kingdom Come." The audiovisual performance, created together with filmmakers Chris Turner and Tash Tung, is inspired by J.G. Ballard’s final novel of the same name and explores contemporary suburban consumerism, terrorism and the rise of the political far right across Europe.

Chinese solo artist Pan Daijing will present one of her abrasive, violent performances. For Daijing, body- and mind-consuming sonic force has, like anger, brought her up and out of uncomfortable situations, liberated her from conservatism and granted her room to breathe and exist on her own terms.


Gazelle Twin[UK]

Demonic, guttural, and frighteningly astute, Gazelle Twin is the nightmarish figure with a penchant for distorted vocals. She will appear following the release of her most recent release, Pastoral - an acerbic album not for the squeamish.

Pan Daijing[CN/DE]

Pan Daijing makes music, art, and tells stories. Born and raised in Guiyang, Southwest China, she has been based in Berlin since 2016. Rooted in noise music, her raw approach as a composer and performer takes many forms; primarily performance art, sound, dance and installation, hinging heavily on improvisation and acts of storytelling.

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