Festival Editions

Between Love and Violence: The Politics of Vibration

Kunstquartier Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin Map
Tickets: 3 € / 6 € day pass (at the door)


15:00 16:00

Lecture by Marcus Boon

In this talk, Marcus Boon considers sound as a mode of vibration, and vibration as containing the possibilities for warfare and violence (as in Steve Goodman's Sonic Warfare), and healing and love (as in Lawrence's Love Saves the Day).

Why do these possibilities emerge out of sound and vibration and how do different kinds of sonic communities (Putumayo shamanism, minimalist drone music, queer hiphop) negotiate this space between love and violence? To what degree are these possibilities already captured within the logic of global capital? As experimental sonic communities become increasingly attuned to vibration-in-itself, what kinds of new political and social possibility might arise?


Marcus Boon[UK/CA]

Marcus Boon teaches contemporary literature and cultural theory at York University in Toronto. He is the author of The Road of Excess: A History of Writers on Drugs (Harvard UP, 2002), In Praise of Copying (Harvard UP, 2010), and co-author with Timothy Morton and Eric Cazdyn of Nothing: Three Inquiries in Buddhism (U. Chicago, Forthcoming).

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