Festival Editions

Actual Reality

HKW, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin Map
Tickets: 15 / 12 €


21:00 23:00

Luke Fischbeck and Sarah Rara a.k.a. Lucky Dragons will premiere a new version of their intermedia work that began as a simple Google search for "Actual reality". The duo collaborate with Berlin-based guest musicians for the performance.

Lucky Dragons' "Actual Reality" explores how a "fixed" or "pure" sound and image stream can be re-experienced. Each iteration of "Actual Reality" filters and re-composes elements from past versions: image and audio processing algorithms, performance documentation, staging, video, text, and an open-ended score for chamber ensemble all provide source material.

The CTM/transmediale 2014 performance of "Actual Reality" is inspired by a series of workshops conducted by San Francisco-based artist, scientist, and educator Bob Miller. As of 1975, Miller's "Light Walks" guided small groups of participants to actively perceive sunlight by resolving it into images through naturally-occurring pinholes, shadows, and reflections: "...what I used to think of as uninteresting diffuse white light turns out to be pretty damned interesting. If you think of every little area in space containing, in the light, all the information for a full-colour, completely detailed image of things both nearby and far away – here in this little area of space, and here… and here – then it seems to me that we're walking around all the time in an invisible sea of images. All you have to do to see one of them is to put your eye right 'here' and let in one of those little specks of light. And on top of all that, you see it 'out there,' projected on the real world. Wow!" (Bob Miller)

Through "Actual Reality", Lucky Dragons propose that all streams contain images. To play and to pay attention thus means to resolve these images, seeing them as reality, if only for a moment.


Presented in collaboration wtih transmediale.


Lucky Dragons[US]

The 'communal experiment' that is Lucky Dragons started as a 'band' in 1999 in San Francisco. Their concerts-as-workshop style happenings have generated considerable interest in both the art and music worlds.

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