Festival Editions

Editions Mego V

HAU1, Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin Map
Tickets: 20 / 15 € concessions


19:30 21:30

19:30 Innode
20:30 Outer Space

The final programme installment of the Editions Mego special focus at CTM 2014 features the cosmic reverb and distended techno of Outer Space, and Innode’s deliberately disordered compositions of white noise, syncopated rhythms, and extreme sonic dynamics.

Outer Space is the project of John Elliot, the head of Spectrum Spools (an Editions Mego imprint) and ex-member of electronics group, Emeralds, currently a partnership with audio engineer Andrew Veres. The project draws from mid-20th century electronic music composers like Nic Pascal, Klaus Schulze, and Laurie Spiegel, Kosmische Musik / Krautelektronik, and techno to translate the signals and pulses of pure electricity into an introspective, astral take on club music, using all-analogue gear. The duo’s most recent album, Akashic Record (Events: 1986-1990) was recently released via Elliot’s own Spectrum Spools.

Innode is a new project from Stefan Németh, with Bernhard Breuer and Steven Hess. For CTM 2014, Németh (synthesizers, sampler) and Breuer (drums) present the group’s debut album, Grindshifter, recently released via Editions Mego. Innode´s music is “proto-sonic”, oriented around the central axes of rhythm, reduction, and precise forms. Drum machines interlink with acoustic percussion, underlying layers of electronic textures, made up of raw and unprocessed waveforms and generated by analogue synthesizers. Resulting elements can be as simple as white noise or a pulsewave. The organization of chunks of sounds, as well as structuring microscopic details emerge from the idea of using just as much as needed: the minimum simply fits best.




Outer Space[US]

The core duo of Outer Space is head of Spectrum Spools imprint for Editions Mego John Elliot (ex-Emeralds), and Andrew Veres. The project reflects influences from synth pioneers like Nic Pascal, Klaus Schulze, and Laurie Spiegel, to go beyond Kosmische Musik/Krautelektronik and techno tropes.


Innode is a new project by Stefan Németh in close collaboration with Steven Hess (Locrian, Pan.American, Cleared) and Bernhard Breuer (Elektro Guzzi, Tumido).

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