Festival 2020

Jasmine Guffond is an artist and composer working with social, political, and technical infrastructures. Her practice spans live performance, recording, sound installations, and custom-made browser plug-ins. She performs at CTM 2020 ahead of the release of Microphone Permissions on Editions Mego.
Through the sonification of data, Guffond addresses the potential for sound to engage with contemporary political questions. Recent projects employed digital technologies, sonification, and the aesthetisation of data as a means of fostering discussion around contemporary surveillance technologies as well as producing experimental audio works. Interested in providing an audible presence for phenomena that usually lie beyond human perception—via the sonification of facial recognition algorithms, global networks, or internet tracking cookies—she questions what it means for our personal habits to be traceable and for our identities, choices, and personalities to be reduced to streams of data.
Guffond has exhibited internationally, released solo records with Sonic Pieces (Yellow Bell, 2015 and Traced 2017) and Karlrecords (Degradation Loops 2018); received the ‘Working Grant for New Music and Sound Art’ from the Berlin Senate (2016); and is a current PhD candidate at the University of New South Wales Art and Design, conducting research into sound as a method of investigation into online surveillance cultures.