
Interiority: An Overnight Performance in 4DSOUND

MONOM, Nalepastr. 18, 12459 Berlin Map
Tickets: 35 €


23:30 07:30

Interiority by John Connell
Doors: 23:30 (August 23rd)
Performance: 00:00 - 7:30 (August 24th)
Breakfast : 7:30 - 8:30 (August 24th)

In absence
of light
shines illumination.

Co-hosted by MONOM and CTM Festival, Interiority is a listening-based inquiry into the potential for mind to consciously remake itself. Performed entirely in the dark within MONOM’s 4DSOUND system from midnight until 7.30am, spatialised sonic objects emerge as manifestations of inner experience- complex, symbolic representations of pre-verbalised mental constructs- interacting and mutating in physical space, allowing participants to monitor, process and recontextualise their meanings.

Originally premiered in one sold out performance at CTM 2019, Interiority integrates fragments of 'memory' into a cohesive whole. Participants are invited to submit audio with personal meaning- snippets from old family videos, personal thoughts or conversations captured on phone recordings, jingles and sonic memes remembered from childhood- which move freely through the space, fusing together into unpredictable constellations that trigger new associations and emotions within the group.

Please note that Interiority is an overnight performance to be experienced in its entirety. Beds and blankets will be provided, but warm clothes and additional covers are recommended for comfort. Eye masks for complete darkness during the show are also suggested. Breakfast will be served in the morning, which we warmly encourage everyone to share together.

Capacity is limited. Breakfast is included in the price of the ticket.

John Connell is a composer and writer based in Berlin. His work explores the potential of sound as a transformative medium in personal awareness and social dynamics, through a series of durational performances and sound installations.

As former Creative Director of spatial sound studio 4DSOUND, he outlined the philosophy behind the pioneering technology platform, concepting and curating a series of large scale showcases at experimental festivals including TodaysArt and ZKM GLOBALE. He has presented lectures and workshops on sound and social theory at the likes of Goldsmiths University of London, Synapse Knowledge Prague, SXSW Stockholm, CTM Festival Berlin and many others.

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