
Technosphärenklänge #5
Haus der Kulturen der Welt , John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin → MapTickets: 18/14 € reduced
FriThe fifth edition of Technosphärenkänge, a concert series run cooperatively by HKW and CTM Festival, invites visitors to immerse themselves into sonic fictions that attempt to render tangible the nascent worlds of post-digital connectivity. In these speculative fictions, which might prove to be realities after all, human bodies and human consciousness find themselves inextricably linked-up with non-human subjectivities and data-driven machine agency – or try to radically disentangle.
Janus resident and PAN staple M.E.S.H. teams up with visual artist Michael Guidetti to present the live version of his latest album, Hesaitix. Shifting from the meditative to states of manic unease, Hesaitix is an unnerving injection into both the social space of club music and the interior space of digital audio fantasy. Building new structures in strange territories, the two artists firmly engage in a kind of sonic world-building to sense and re-create a place where the unconscious and the (technologically) alien intersect.
Lucrecia Dalt and Regina de Miguel will premiere “V.I.T.R.I.O.L.”, an audiovisual performance that invokes the enunciation of new alchemical formulas that might offer forms of affective resistance to extractive imageries and the geographies of violence linked to these, as well as to technological and cultural mechanisms of representation.
“Xperienz Designer” duo Amnesia Scanner will present an exclusive preview performance for their debut album, due to be released in May 2018, on which they take measure of our current machine and computational entanglements. With their signature taste for the epic IMAX theater-scale and a tendency to channel the impending apocalypse through the cloud, they inquire into the new cryptic realities of the digital grid. In their words: “How to navigate truthless macro-pagan progressure and trans-sovereign simplexity? Are we ready to networkshop in machinese? What is love under economous encrypticism and migranular centrust?” The specially staged performance will showcase both unheard and unseen material, and feature an array of guest performers and artists.