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Ruth Timmermans


A trained historian, Ruth Timmermans used to be a researcher on gender, trade-unions, and (pre-)colonialism at the University of Leuven (Belgium). With her passion for music, art, literature, and film, she became an editor at Gonzo (circus) magazine in 2000; an independent music and art magazine distributed in Belgium and The Netherlands that covers a broad range of current genres and contexts. She is the managing director at Gonzo Circus Publishing since 2004.

Her renewed interest in gender issues and feminism was triggered in 2014 after attending CTM and a subsequent dialogue with director Jan Rohlf about gender disparity in the music scene. During the last few years Ruth has been researching, publishing, and giving talks about the under-representation of women in the music scene, with a focus on electronic music and arts.

Beyond the Stage – Women Organisers in Music

Kunstquartier Projektraum, Tue 30.01.2018, 13:00

Mentorship presentations and best practice discussion hosted by Salt + Sass. With: Aimee Cliff, Alexandra Bondi de Antoni, Coral Foxworth, Gilke Vanuytsel, Keira Sinclair, Johanna Grabsch, Lauren Goshinski, Pamela Schobeß, Ruth Timmermans, Sarah Farina, Zuri Maria Daiß