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Gilke Vanuytsel


Photo by Koen Bauters.

Gilke Vanuytsel is a Brussels-based music promoter and curator.

For the last seven years she has worked at STUK, a venue for dance, image, and sound in Leuven, Belgium that also hosts Artefact Festival. She is now also working as a music promoter and curator at Beursschouwburg in Brussels. She is one of the very few female music promoters in Belgium. Thanks to Vanuytsel, Beursschouwburg just hosted the successful focus program "The Future is Feminist".

Beyond the Stage – Women Organisers in Music

Kunstquartier Projektraum, Tue 30.01.2018, 13:00

Mentorship presentations and best practice discussion hosted by Salt + Sass. With: Aimee Cliff, Alexandra Bondi de Antoni, Coral Foxworth, Gilke Vanuytsel, Keira Sinclair, Johanna Grabsch, Lauren Goshinski, Pamela Schobeß, Ruth Timmermans, Sarah Farina, Zuri Maria Daiß