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Alexandra Bondi de Antoni


Alexandra Bondi de Antoni has been the editor-in-chief of i-D Germany since January 2015. She is in charge of editorial concept, video productions, and development of branded content and partnerships.

Over the last three years she was invited to lecture, participate in panels, and act as a jury member in Belgium, Colombia, Germany, Portugal, and Iceland, and worked as tutor for the fashion class at the UdK Berlin. At the beginning of 2017, she was named as one of Forbes' “30 Under 30 in Media”. She also works on a number of freelance projects in Berlin and Vienna.

Beyond the Stage – Women Organisers in Music

Kunstquartier Projektraum, Tue 30.01.2018, 13:00

Mentorship presentations and best practice discussion hosted by Salt + Sass. With: Aimee Cliff, Alexandra Bondi de Antoni, Coral Foxworth, Gilke Vanuytsel, Keira Sinclair, Johanna Grabsch, Lauren Goshinski, Pamela Schobeß, Ruth Timmermans, Sarah Farina, Zuri Maria Daiß