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Gum Takes Tooth


Photo by Marie Valognes

The UK duo Gum Takes Tooth works with cyclic crescendos, cathartic crashes, twisted vocals and synth extrusions. GTT has released two LPs on Tigertrap Records: Silent Cenotaph in 2011 and Mirrors Fold in 2014. The Quietus calls Mirrors Fold “a beautiful bastard, completely ugly on first glance but blessed by immutable charms at its heart.”

Jussi Brightmore and Thomas Fuglesang make up the psychedelic rhythmic explosion that is Gum Takes Tooth. In their own words, the band is a “two-man everything machine endlessly seeking what-the-fuck aural mesmerism in a maze-like arrangement of physically overwhelming rituals of sound system culture, riffs and pan-cultural psychedelics. Each member focusing intently on unmediated rhythmic interaction between crowd and performer, directing the energy towards unexplored altered states. Dark primal frequencies are felt and not heard, unremitting circular drums shatter and rebirth whilst vocals divide and refract in cascading prismatic spectra.”


Berghain, Tue 31.01.2017, 22:00

Thomas Ankersmit, Gum Takes Tooth, Vomir, Pharmakon