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Wilhelm Bras


Wilhelm Bras is the techno-oriented alias of Polish experimentalist and DIY synthesizer zealot Pawel Kulczyński, who also produces raw, mechanized dance music under his own name and moonlights as the guerilla sound-installation artist Tropajn.

Kulczyński's current work expresses a thematic interest in uncertainty, random occurrences, laziness, boredom, and psychedelics through improvised electronics, electroacoustics, algorithmic structures, and prepared guitar using modular synthesis. He is recognized not only for the extreme sonics generated by his hand-built machines (described by Eastern Daze as "technoid rhythmachinism"), but also for staging concerts that take place in total darkness, illuminated only by a small headlamp. Following a split release with fellow electronician Czarny Latawiec on Polish imprint BDTA, his debut album as Wilhelm Bras — Wordless Songs by the Electric Fire — was released by Mik.Musik! in late 2013, with its array of playful, glitchy, future-oriented analogue electronics attesting to an extensive history of experimentation and research.

As Tropajn, Kulczyński performs in unusual public places and post-industrial sites using a portable power generator and PA system. Since 2005, he has cooperated closely with the Kronika Centre for Contemporary Art, and in 2010 he founded Fragile Boredom, an open platform aiming to facilitate creative opportunities, provide tools, invent new contexts, and spread ideas among artists, theoreticians, and audiences through experimental music and modern art.

Beta II

YAAM III, Sat 31.01.2015, 23:00

Wilhelm Bras, Ketev, RSS B0ys, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, Kucharczyk, Olle Holmberg