K - O



Tokyo-based trio Nisennenmondai are, as suggested by their name, the surviving Y2K bug. Found on the border of experimental rock and electric noise, they have been inducing trance-like states since 1999 with their rhythmic backbone percussion and punk instrumentals. The sonic group consists of guitarist Masako Takada, bassist Yuri Zaikawa, and drummer Sayaka Himeno.

Since meeting at their university music club, Nisennenmondai have released four albums and one live compilation, mostly on their own Bijin label. Their 2008 compilation release, "Neji/Tori," was distributed by Norway's Smalltown Supersound. Growing a reputation for the spellbinding quality of their performances (including endurance), the trio is known for their elementally hypnotic live shows. Their latest impression, the N LP, released on Mute subsidiary Blast First Repeat, is composed of three tracks totaling 40 minutes of sonic constructions built with time, and filled with guitar riffs and rapid-fire drum rhythms.

Frequently falling under the no wave and krautrock genres, Nisennenmondai’s exploration of repetition is said to create a variably blurry state between the “then” and “now.” The band has performed around the world including Australia, Austria, Croatia, Denmark (including Roskilde Festival), France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Norway. Switzerland, Sweden, UK, and USA.

Tune Out – CTM x RBMA Finale

Astra, Sun 01.02.2015, 20:00

Phoebe Kiddo, Nisennemondai, Carter Tutti Void, Mumdance + Logos + Shapednoise