Fender Schrade
Fender Schrade is a musician, performance artist, light designer and media engineer. Since 1994, he_she* has worked as a live sound engineer in various international venues.
Using different electronic media such as sound, light and video in the fields of performance art and live art, music and sound, his_her* practice is performance-based and situation-led; exploring the boundaries of cultural norms and media technological developments from a trans*gender perspective. In collaboration with Chris Regn, Fender composed the music for the queerfeminist performance project Vegan Opera (2006) produced by Bildwechsel Hamburg, Germany. Together with Linda Wölfel Fender, he_she co-founded the Berlin-based queer pop duo VOW, who recently released the EP Summer Lightning (2013). In 2013 Fender collaborated as a composer and performer with the performance group Nana And Friends.
Fender teaches on sound culture, media technology, and trans*gender issues, and has taught internationally including at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.